The War For Talent Continues More than a quarter-million Americans turn 65, and every month approximately 10,000 people retire. The recession may have delayed the inevitable for a time, but as the stock market continues to rebound there are signs…
Category: Midwest US
Wages Are Starting To Rise
Recent reports showed that US employers added 3.1 million jobs in 2014, which was the strongest year of payrolls growth since 1999. The US unemployment rate fell to 5.6% by the end of 2014, down from 6.7% in December 2013. …
Thank Goodness for Spring
Thank Goodness for Spring The harsh winter weather definitely slowed US economic growth during the first quarter of 2015. The bad weather contributed to factory slowdowns and lackluster construction activity. Even with the cold and snow US unemployment numbers held…
Nebraska has lowest unemployment rate in US
Until recently, North Dakota held the position as the state with the lowest unemployment rate in the U.S. Now, however, Nebraska has earned that title.
Salaries Trending Up Again
Salaries Trending Up Again US unemployment edged down to 5.5% in February. Manufacturers added over 8000 new jobs. Even as the strength of the US Dollar has cut into global profits, there continues to be an increase in new orders…
Is Montana the new high-tech hub?
A recently released study by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana revealed that the state’s tech sector is growing at a rapid pace.
The War For Talent Is Heating Up
The War For Talent is Heating Up 2014 was the strongest year for job gains in the US since 1999, and job openings data shows that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills are in high demand among employers. Unemployment…
Colorado has biggest unemployment drop in nation
At the end of 2014, Colorado experienced the largest drop in unemployment rate compared to all other U.S. states.
More Good Economic News
December 2014 was another good month. US unemployment figures edged down in December from 5.8% to 5.6%, and US Manufacturing ended the year strong with an increase in activity. With continued growth in consumer sales and production demands along with…
Best Year for Job Growth in Last 15 years
2014 is on track for its strongest year of job creation in the US since 1999. The labor Department reported that November was strongest month of hiring in the US since January 2012. They also revised their numbers for September…