Category: Managed Care

The Next Generation of Senior Living Executive Directors and Leaders: Who are they?

The number one challenge expressed at the most recent ARGENTUM Conference was people.  In particular community managers and operational leadership. Think about it.  There are just not enough high impact leaders to go around.  As a result, communities underperform and…

Bruce Peacock & TRG Manufacturing Division Announces Successful Director (Class II Medical Device) Search

Richmond, VA June 2016 – Bruce Peacock and The Manufacturing Search Division of The Richmond Group USA (TRG) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of a Director of Quality Assurance search for a Class II medical device startup. This…

Charles Schnurman and TRG Managed Care complete Successful Search

(Richmond, VA) July 11, 2014 –  The Managed Care Search Division of The Richmond Group is pleased to announce the successful completion of a VP of Sales and Marketing search.  The Challenge: To identify, attract and retain a visionary leader, capable of driving and…

Attracting Top Talent

In the ever-changing managed care landscape you never know what tomorrow will bring; Obamacare, reimbursement cuts, mergers and acquisitions. The only constant in the world of healthcare is change. It is important to have a strong message in the marketplace…

Summer is Over, Budgeting Begins

With Labor Day behind us, the unofficial end of summer is here. Children are back in school, nights are getting cooler, and football is back. That can only mean one thing, budget season is here. This begins the time of…

The Bull’s-eye Candidate

The unemployment rate has dropped to 7.5% while the economy continues to improve. Companies are looking to hire more employees and things are starting to feel “normal” again. The problem is, we are in the largest candidate driven market we…

TRG Managed Care Fills Prestigious National Sales Position

(Richmond, VA) March 1, 2013 – Jeff Meyer & TRG Managed Care are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of an Area Vice President of Sales search for our client, one of the largest pharmacy benefit managers in the country.…

Successful Hiring of Candidates

As the economy continues to improve, it becomes more difficult to attract talent to your organization. If you are lucky enough to gain interest of the “A” players in the market, it is becoming harder and harder to bring them…

End of Year Planning

Welcome to the end of the third quarter!! Fall is upon us, and budget season is here. Our eyes and minds are focused on finishing the year strong, but we are also thinking ahead to what 2013 is going to…