Category: Financial Services

Jon Burkhart & The Richmond Group’s Banking Division Complete Successful Senior Treasury Management Sales Officer Search

(Richmond, VA) June 23, 2017 – Jon Burkhart and the Banking Team of The Richmond Group USA (TRG) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of a Senior Treasury Management Sales Officer search in Dallas for a fast-growing Texas-based community bank. As a trusted…

Jon Burkhart & The Richmond Group’s Banking Division Complete Successful Williamson County Market President Search

(RICHMOND, VA) June 8th, 2017 – Jon Burkhart and the Banking Team of The Richmond Group USA (TRG) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of a Williamson County Market Executive role in Middle Tennessee for a well-known and established Tennessee-based community bank.…

States may pick up the slack in bank regulation…are you prepared?

It wasn’t just the American electorate that was caught off-guard with this past election result, as many banks are scrambling to understand what this means for the next four years.  Regardless of how you feel about the election results, it’s…

Let’s Be Completely Transparent With Each Other

“There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.”  – Joseph Pulitzer One of the things that made…