Month: January 2015

Krissy Whitaker & TRG Accounting and Finance Complete Successful Search

(Richmond, VA) January, 26 2015 – Krissy Whitaker and the TRG Accounting & Finance Search Division are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of our recent Controller search for a highly respected nonprofit organization serving the Richmond community since the 1930’s. Our client engaged…

More Good Economic News

December 2014 was another good month.  US unemployment figures edged down in December from 5.8% to 5.6%, and US Manufacturing ended the year strong with an increase in activity.  With continued growth in consumer sales and production demands along with…

Are You the Best, Above the Rest?

As predicted, we are officially seeing the impact of hiring challenges in this very competitive hiring climate.  Especially, in the accounting and finance world, the current demand for top talent far exceeds the supply of qualified applicants available. Hiring authorities…

Jon Burkhart & TRG Commercial Banking Complete Successful Search

(Richmond, VA) January 7, 2015 –  Jon Burkhart and the Commercial Banking Team of The Richmond Group USA (TRG) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of Senior Commercial Real Estate Lending Team search in Houston, TX for a well-known and established Texas-based…